Best Massage in Denver

When getting a massage in Denver, CO, there’s no better place than Zen'd Out Massage Spa. Get the best massage in Denver, CO now!
Zen'd Out Massage Spa

When getting a massage in Denver, CO, there’s no better place than Zen’d Out Massage Spa. Get a full-body massage, a couples massage. Here’s a little of what we have to offer.

Full Body Massage

When exercising, it helps to stretch out the lower and dorsal leg muscles as well as the shoulder and arm muscles. You may have already noticed that this help can come from getting a full body massage. Why not just get one on your chest or back? You can do so! In fact, you may notice that the more your muscles are stretched out, the more you will feel better. You may even find that this will make you feel stronger. Another great part of a full body massage is to do a back and shoulder massage. This works best if you stretch out the muscles on your side for a bit and then get a massage for your front side. This will help you get rid of the pressure in the back and it will also give you a nice stretch. Don’t wait until you really need a back and shoulder massage. Take a good hard look at your back or shoulder and give it the attention that it needs. You will definitely notice a difference once you get a good massage. There is no better way to relieve any type of stress than a full body massage. It can give you an added boost of energy and help you relax. If you are having trouble with back pain, you may want to try getting a back and shoulder massage before it gets any worse.

Couples Massage

What is a couples massage? Simply put, it is when you have a few friends or a loved one each visit a masseuse to have a massage in a special manner. There are typically two masseuses in a massage-specialization session: one for each individual. While this type of massage has been available for decades, it has recently caught on with couples who may want to have a relaxing, intimate time together without the stress and strains of trying to get your partner to go along with what you want. There is no specific etiquette that goes with a couple’s massage. The masseuse is expected to be as gentle and comforting as possible. The goal is to make them feel relaxed and comfortable, but to be realistic, not to over-strain or even over-stimulate your partner. The idea is to make sure that the therapist will be able to relax both parties and let the tension go. The therapist will often use body-work and manipulation techniques in addition to light kneading, to help the massage sessions go smoothly. When couples first decide to do a massage together, they usually have no experience in doing so. They might feel nervous about it, but if they are both committed to the idea, they will be able to work through any problems that may come up. It is important to let your therapist know your feelings and concerns, especially since a lot can happen while you are doing this type of massage. You may want to discuss how long you plan to do the session and what you expect from the experience. A good therapist will listen to your needs and guide you toward a good massage experience. He or she will know which areas of the body you will massage and which ones you will hold back on, so that both of you can enjoy the massage.

Meet Our Massage Therapists

Fully Licensed Massage Therapists in Denver

Maria Acuna

Maria Acuna

Prangtip Tipsangtong

Prangtip Tipsangtong

Kaelyn Norman

Kaelyn Norman

Simone Emanuele

Simone Emanuele

Elena Vegas

Elena Vegas

Isabelle Callan

Isabelle Callan

Lluridiana Leal

Lluridiana Leal

Sophia Luksic

Sophia Luksic

Wanda Maddox

Wanda Maddox

Zalina Montoya

Zalina Montoya

Abigail Murphy

Abigail Murphy

Indigo Violet

Indigo Violet